Kategori: Fashion

  • Cuma punya baju segitu? Tampilkan cantikmu tanpa harus KULAKAN baju mulu!

    Saat jaman gabisa ngebiarin kamu untuk tampil biasa aja, tapi punya baju yang itu itu aja, Bosen? How to look pretty? Pengen belanja tapi baju udah banyak. No worry!!
    Hai girls, kali ini kita akan bahas, gimana memadu padankan pakaian yang kamu punya, agar tetap manis dan match buat dipake
    Pakaian bukan sekedar penutup tubuh, mereka juga mendeskripsikan dirimu. dengan berpakaian berantakan, orang akan menilai anda seorang yang cuek dan tidak peduli sekitar. Namun dengan pakaian yang rapi dan padu, orang lain akan senang melihat dan bergaul denganmu. 
    Kali ini kita bakal bahas mengenai pakaian polos ya girls.
    Bermacam warna pakaian, hem, rok, celana, cardy, dan apapun yg kalian punya, gimana cara agar dari atas kebawah tetap good looking. Klik link dibawah dan simak tips tips nya

    1. Paduan warna netral dengan warna lain

    That’s my favorit one! Rasanya kurang mantep kalo nggak ada warna hitam atau warna netral di ootd kita. Nah, warna hitam itu bisa aja dimasukan ke warna apapun. Tapi jangan sembarangan juga! Jauhkan warna hitam dari ootd mu kalau kamu pastelicious! WhyIt makes you pastel become dark.

    Oh iya, agar terlihat simply fresh, jangan terlalu banyak memberi paduan warna dalam balutan kecantikanmu, paling banyak 3 warna itu udah cantik.

    2. Pastelicious

    Image result for paduan hijab warna pastelHey girls, ini nih yang favorit! warna pastel. Warnanya yang cerah dan lembut, penggambaran wanita sempurna banget ngga sih:))

    Nah, untuk warna pastel, saran aja, jangan dipadukan dengan warna hitan yah girls! Warna hitam walaupun netral, tapi bisa bisa dia merusak penampilan cerahmu. 

    3. Casual

     Image result for paduan hijab casual

    Nah, yang bingung gimana mau berhijab di acara acara resmi, ini salah satu referensi dari makelarin.com untuk gaya casual, sifatnya ringan dan nyambung buat kemana aja, Kamu bakalan terlitat sederhana danlebih percaya diri, balutan warna netral bakal ngedukung kamu banget buat jadi diri sendiri!
    Tapi kembali ke diri masing-masing loh ya, kalo emang pastelicious mungkin ga akan cocok dengan gaya casual ini, atau cocok semua? No Problem! 
  • Male in Fashion: Reasons Why Your Looks Matter

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    “Fashion is a playground up until a certain age, but then you have to find your own signature and your own style” –Nicolas Ghesquiere

        While a small fraction of men have taken a keen interest in style, fashion and the way they assemble their clothes, quite the glaring majority is still quite clueless about it—and they are quite proud to own up to that. The fact is, most men find fashion as something only women should be good at and since they are men, they have an excuse to look sloppy and unkempt. However, this is an erroneous belief as men need to present themselves in the best light possible just as women do. Men should never take pride about their nonchalance in style and fashion as this implies they do not care the slightest bit about their appearance. Furthermore, there is absolutely no reason to take pride in the fact that you have little to no regard about your look—even if you are a male. After all, the disheveled look might work for some dudes, but even they know how to clean up every once in a while.

        Appearance matter in fundamental and every real way that can potentially affect your daily life—from something as insignificant as how you are perceived by others to something as big as whether or not you will be harassed when you are traveling. While there is no need to follow every current style and trend, you do need to exercise a little bit more care in how you present yourself. We are not telling you to forego your proclivity for streetwear clothing, but every once in a while, know how to look sharp. Here are several reasons why:

    1. Clothing is a way creative a good first impression

       You rarely get another chance in making a good first impression so make your only chance matter. And how do you do just that? By dressing sharply of course! An excellent ensemble of clothes cultivates the idea that the wearer is someone to be respected, if not revered. Call it superficial, but the fact is this hardwired and ingrained instinct has become rather the norm. The truth is we tend to form opinions and judgments regarding someone before they even actually utter a word to us. In this regard, if you want to be taken seriously, know that your clothing has a direct effect on people’s default assumption of you.

    2. It helps your confidence

       If you wish to have a boost in confidence, you must feel it first. One great way of feeling confident is looking confident through your assemblage of clothes. In fact, it has been shown that people tend to perform better in life when they feel that they deserve to perform better. Spend a few minutes primping in front of the mirror and you would notice how it reinforces the idea that you deserve success as well as good treatment.

    3. It increases your perceived status among your peers

       Regardless of how much people try to resist it, society is visually-based in general. As a consequence, better-dressed and sharper-looking men would experience better treatment and service than their sloppier counterparts. While it may seem like a shallow concept, the truth is clothing would serve as a substitute for character in the eyes of people—especially those who do not know you enough to make an accurate judgment of your character. After all, they have little to nothing else to judge you by so it is only natural that they look for clues in the way you dress. Appearance may mean nothing to you, but it does to the people who you encounter every single day. In this regard, you should make it count.

    4. It makes you more responsible

       Before you dismiss this as an impossibility, know that dressing sharp requires work. You need to ensure that your clothes are well-pressed and that your shoes are shined. In this regard, you might even say that a well-dressed man is more meticulous on little details than the average man. Ironing shirts, shining shoes are usually things you do for yourself (unless you have someone doing them for you). As a result, you will become more responsible and it fosters mental habits of attention to detail which would then translate well to any skill that might be required for work tasks.

  • Where To Find The Trendiest Summer Collection?

       Updating your summer look needs a complete transformation or you can say a complete wardrobe metamorphosis. You will definitely need updated accessories to an updated clothing range. Adding a tinge of floral this year might elevate your look.

       Fashion is like a feeling, or you can also call it an emotion that picks you up and builds your confidence to make appearance better in the world. Just like everything, be it be technology or anything in this world needs better updates and modifications and so does your fashion too.

       But, if you are thinking to splurge extra bucks to get your shopping done, then let me remind you that, with the increase in the summer fashion trends, there is also an increase in the ways of buying and updating those trends, yes! And now, you can make a frugal fashion move to buy all the essentials that you need?

       Adding floral accessories, shoes, handbags & the trending outfits is an easy task now because you can grab the updated trends easily through Zalora. It’s a place where you can find your suitable product with the best prices and ultimate Voucher Codes for Clothing, Accessories, and Footwears.

    What are the shopping benefits provided to you at Zalora?

       One of Malaysia’s biggest shopping network that provides a huge fashion collection with all the latest and the updated trends. The availability of the products that are delivered to the customers is from international to local brands according to the needs.

       This season you’ll experience the hottest trends with quite a reasonable pricing.
    · Zalora Fashion offers the widest range of the apparels, footwear and all sorts of accessories from the prominent brands.
    · You will get to enjoy the best of the deals and discounts on a daily basis.
    · Also, you will be gifted with a variety of packaged offers and deals in the form of gift vouchers
    · Last but still not the least, you can have added discounts or extended discounts on every buy, by using the Zalora Voucher Codes during the time of payment.
    So, it’s time to add beautiful blooms to your style from head to toe. Take a look at the trends that will make your summers the best vogue season of the year.

    Imperfect Symmetry

       Asymmetrical design of clothing is the new trend that is currently prevailing in the country. You can now get ready to witness the collars and silhouettes on a single shoulder. Asymmetrical designs might sound to be an awkward fashion but, this is the latest fashion mania of this summer collection.

    Pastels Galore


       This is another trend which has enjoyed a consistent revive and is also easy on the eyes of people. This trend looks effortlessly great and is perfect for summer showoffs. The colors like lavender, lilac, and mauve are going to be poised this year as elegant colors to compliment the whole fashion outlook.

    Denims Perfect for Days

       Denim can never fade of the fashion league and thus, denim is always topping the fashion statements. Just remember that the trends of Denim are no longer those boring styled. There is a versatility which has evolved in the form of fully tailored dresses, body cons, skirts, pullovers and wide-legged pants!

    Art Work

       You must have witnessed the artwork at some or the other point of time in your fashion collection. An intricate artwork with funky graphics will be a great masterpiece this year. You can even create your own designs or even customize your clothing’s too with an enhanced artwork. This season you can even see a great work of designers with the blend of artistic inspiration over the runway.
       Still, you don’t want to grab the deals on your updated fashion collection? Just get your Zalora Promo Codes handy and enjoy the enormous handpicked discounts on every item you are wishing to buy.
